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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Seeking Independence Now!

My quest for independence was forced upon me. YAY But now I am pursuing it on my own, When I started on my journey (marriage) I didn't foresee me being a single parent, but yet that is where I find myself today. Single mom of three children with no formal training....when looking for a job not such a great thing to put on your application....STAY AT HOME MOM FOR TEN YEARS! Which was great to be with my children full time and it helped build my life skills..(how to vacuum with a baby on each hip,how to remove gum/candy from hair without causing major pain, staying sane with three crazy kids etc etc. lol ).not so much my social nor educational ones.

But I have noticed even with the stress that I have to deal with on a daily, I am certainly a more happy me :) I think the kids notice this and home life gets a little less hectic each day. I have taken on two part time jobs that do not pay a whole lot but they allow me to work around my childrens schedules for the most part, I am seeking a third part time job to do during the day preferably at home, good luck with this right? Yea I know but a woman can always dream..right?

Any how this quest for independence is complicated, very very complicated! But some way some how I will make it work, I have no worries about that. I have set up some goals for me to reach by the time I turn 33, which will be september of 10. So I have little time for nonsense, which I have also started to clear from my life, removing negative influences and people is a biggggggggg help! I don't have an exciting life, nor do I have any expert advice, but I do like to prattle on about nothing so I am doing that here! hahaha

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